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About College Factual

College Factual is revolutionizing the college selection industry by offering customized data-driven insights and tools that simplify the all-important act of choosing the best school. Our unique method provides an alternative to stale ranking sites that don't take into account the individuality of each student. We aim to highlight colleges and academic programs that are doing an excellent job educating their students for reasonable prices. This is all in an effort to help students find a major and a college that is the best fit for them!

Our unique ranking method uncovers many universities, colleges and specific programs that offer great educational opportunities at reasonable prices.  To learn where your college stands in our system, go to the rankings tab on your college profile and see a combination of high level rankings as well as rankings at the programs level.

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There is a significant amount of data and insights available on our site that prospective students and their parents are finding invaluable. This includes sports rankings, as well as rankings by major. Check them out yourself to see how your college compares.

How It Works

1. Search for your college.

2. Click on the Rankings tab to view how your college stacks up.

3. Click on any badge for the embed code to add to your college website, or email the badge to others.

4. Scroll down to fields of study and click on any ranking to view your badge for that specific program.