Discover Your Career Matches

There is more to choosing a career than just looking at salaries and availability.

Have you ever given much thought to what you actually like to do and what work environment suits you best?

Do you enjoy interacting with people, or are you more in touch with machinary? Do you enjoy hands-on tasks, or would you rather work with a computer?  

Take a few minutes to explore your actual work preferences. You'll discover jobs and careers you may have never thought of before that could be a perfect match for you! 

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"I think this is an amazing start for anyone trying to pick a career."

What Others Are Saying About Career Match

"I think this was a lot of fun and very comprehensive. The suggestions were very helpful and I discovered some new careers that I didn't know existed."

" was perfect, it actually matched me with what I do now... It astounded me how accurate it was."

"This was interesting - the variety of jobs. It would have been better if I had taken it many years ago! But it is heartening to know that the two careers I chose fit what was selected for me."

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